Bible,  Life Lessons,  Who Is Jesus?

The Day of Uncertainty

What was it like on the day “in between?”

When I read the crucifixion and resurrection events of the Bible I like to imagine what they were they thinking, feeling, experiencing – at that time – in that place. By “they” I mean Jesus’ friends, disciples, family members and loved ones.

This morning I woke up wondering, did what they witnessed on that fateful Friday keep them up all night?


As the horrors of yesterday replayed in their minds, did they wonder, “Did that REALLY happen?” Or “What could we have done differently?” Certainly, some were tormented by such thoughts.

Others may have wondered, “Should I have done something? Could I have stopped it?”

And now what?

Indeed, NOW WHAT?

He, in whom they had put their greatest HOPE and TRUST, was GONE! He was DEAD!

Fear replaced hope.  And trust was shaken to the core.

How did they face this Great Day of Uncertainty?

How do we?

ambroochizafer / Pixabay

When tragedy strikes, how do we face the day?

Yesterday a long-time and very dear friend heard these words from a medical specialist, “I’m sorry to tell you this, but you are very, very sick.”


Someone else heard these words, “Your son was killed in action.”

Boom, Boom!!

Over the course of my own life, I have heard similar words:

“There is nothing more they can do, we’re bringing him home.”

“I’m sorry, Ma’am, there is no heartbeat.”

“Mom, I need help.”

You have your own stories of shock, heartache, and horror.

And the Great Day of Uncertainty begins.

Thankfully, for the associates of Jesus, their Day of Uncertainly was truly only A DAY! They did not know (although Jesus tried to tell them) the HOPE of tomorrow!!!

They did not realize how quickly their deepest pain would abruptly turn to their greatest JOY!

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking, “But my Day of Uncertainty lasts MUCH longer! It’s not a day, but weeks, or months or even years!”

Yep, I hear you. Our trials and struggles can feel like forever, and often, just as one seems to subside, another can develop or a whole lot of heartache can and does happen all at the same time!

So how do we face the day?

By remembering tomorrow! We now live in perpetual post-Easter hope!

We’ve HEARD the rest of the story.

Our Hope is ALIVE!

So the reality is THERE IS NO DAY OF UNCERTAINTY for us!

No! Not even one day!

Whatever words of uncertainty you have heard, whatever heartache you are experiencing, whatever struggle you are facing, it is not too big for Jesus.

You’ve heard the words “lay your burdens at the foot of the cross.” Pretty “Christianese” language if you ask me, so let’s get practical.

Here’s what that means: Make a list, yes, a real paper list. Write down everything – EVERYTHING – that you’re worried about and dealing with. List them one by one.

Then – one by one – give them to Jesus. Really. Just give them to Him. How? Pray. Ask him to work out each issue in the way He determines is best.

That’s what it means when the Bible says, “Cast all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

I did this recently in my journal. My list was pretty lengthy actually. And since then, I’ve gone back to that list and marveled at how God is taking care of each item, in His own way, in His own timing. And when I see that, my trust in Him is strengthened especially regarding those things He’s yet to work out!

We can face the day when we put our HOPE in Him.

Jesus tried to explain these things to his friends prior to his death when he said,

 “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Did Jesus’ friends recall His words on the day “in between” – their Great Day of Uncertainty?

We don’t know, but we can remember and we should!

Though we don’t know what our tomorrows will bring and we don’t have a clue how it will all turn out, we do not fear. For our HOPE is not in our earthly circumstances but in our Risen Savior!

He – who bore the sins of the world, conquered death, and victoriously rose from the grave – can turn your Day of Uncertainty into a life of Easter Joy!

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  • Cindy Corder

    You did it again gf. Your words are well appointed and inspired. I know someone struggling with anxiety and your words and the scriptures are encouraging. To often we get caught up in our struggles and wrestle with them on our own. But we certainly don’t have to. I will be sharing your post with my friend. Please NEVER STOP writing! Love and miss you!

  • Chris Fisher

    ⚓ My HOPE is built on nothing less than Jesus’s blood and righteousness. I will read this with a struggling friend who doesn’t do fb.

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