• Put on Your Boots and Step Out of the Garden of Regret

    “I wish I’d have brought my boots,” my sister muttered as we unpacked. “We’re at a beach condo,” I said. “You won’t miss them much.”  I was wrong. Most days the January chill kept our flip flops buried in our suitcases. I also wished I’d brought more shoes than sandals.  Garden of Regret “I should have…” “Why didn’t I …” “If only I had said…” Recognize these phrases? They mark the way around a space I call the Garden of Regret.  Now if you know me you know I love gardens. Nothing brings me more joy—except the beach—than to spend hours perusing trails lined with all sorts of flora.  However,…

  • Snow Day—Play Day!

    Disclaimer: After writing this post, I hesitated to publish it due to the enormous amount of suffering around our nation and the world. I questioned the wisdom of focusing on play when folks struggle to find food or shelter, when illness abounds, and for some, instead of playsets, war is in their backyards. Yet, our bodies and minds crave a break from sorrow.  Like a salve on a wound, even a small interruption of a smile or laughter soothes the soul and brings strength to the suffering. If your pain is too great to read it, try this blog instead.  If you read on, I hope this post stirs up…

  • Worry or Worship? It’s a Choice

    I hate to wait. Doesn’t everyone?  Additionally, I am that person who, after perusing a menu a dozen times—making others wait—says to the server, “Take their orders first.” However, once my choice is made, it better come quick. You see, my chronic indecisiveness exacerbates my impatience. Once I settle on a matter, I want it now. Incidentally, I suspect indecisiveness is a family trait, but I haven’t quite decided. So, what are you waiting for?  Are you a teacher or student waiting for Christmas break? Are you a parent waiting for a child to come home? I have a friend waiting for a job, another praying for a child, and…

  • Drop the Rock: Unloading Unforgiveness

    As I dug through the stones, scraping and scratching each knuckle, I said to my husband, “Remind me never to use landscape rocks again.” I just might not take my advice though, because rocks amaze me. Whether smooth or rough, rocks can be used to beautify and build, or to damage and destroy. Have you ever considered the rocks in the Bible? Stones of the Bible Stones and rocks form the foundations for buildings. Christ is called our Cornerstone (1 Peter 2:4). They also serve as pillows (Genesis 28:1-11) and memorials (Joshua 4:1-8). Not always shown in a positive light, rocks cause people to stumble (1 Peter 2:8). Moses even…

  • From Despair to Joy: An Unexpected Journey (Part Two)

    Road trips have always been a part of my life. Changing scenery, picnic lunches, and stretch breaks generate mostly happy memories. Each trip usually involved a good measure of planning, the most important being where and when the day’s travel would end. Having that final stopping place chosen ahead of time helped everyone cope with the long hours in the car. Have you have found that true in life as well? Although I know of a few “free-spirits” who relish the spur-of-the-moment adventures, most need to plan. We need to know the plans for the holidays: where we’re going, and who’s cooking what. Yet, if Covid taught us anything, it’s…

  • From Despair to Joy: An Unexpected Journey (Part One)

    Driving home recently through an unfamiliar area, I realized my GPS could not pick up a signal. Knowing I was headed in the correct direction, I searched for something recognizable.  There should be a turn coming. But where?  I sure missed that familiar voice telling me, “In four miles, turn right.” I don’t know about you, but I like those little nudges. It reminded me of a time when God whispered in my spirit that a change was coming. My journal entries from that season attest to the promptings of God, through prayer and Bible reading, which led me to understand about an upcoming “turn in the road.” This doesn’t…

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