• Are You Climbing the Walls?

      I do not rock climb. Oh, no. The thought of scaling walls towering above makes my hands sweat just thinking about it. I can’t say I’ve even faced the opportunity. Yet I have faced many a proverbial brick wall, those insurmountable situations that leave you feeling helpless.  The “no way out and no way in” circumstances that seem impossible and impassable. Ever been there? Maybe you are at the base of such a wall right now. I recently read a similar scene in Joshua chapter 6. Picture this situation: Verse 1: “Now the gates of Jericho were securely barred. No one went out and no one came in. “…

  • Alright. What then?

    Yeah, a lot of events are being cancelled. Did you have plans to go to Disney for spring break? POOF! Mickey’s chosen social distancing.  Last night I planned to dine with friends and attend a concert. Just as we were getting ready to leave, BAM! Cancelled. I have two exciting trips planned in the next few months… Yikes! I don’t like having my plans messed with!  Can you relate? Sadness and disappointment come in other forms as well. Yesterday, I heard of three friends losing loved ones. (Not from THE virus, by the way.) Death especially has a way of robbing us of our plans, hopes, and dreams. Proverbs 19:21…

  • Shedding Light on Suicide

    Imagine being in a dark, dark room – pitch black. There are no doors, no windows. There is seemingly no. way. out. This is not an escape room game. Now imagine a faint crack in the blackness. Not light exactly, but a change in the dark. With hopelessness as your only companion you are drawn to it. It’s the only answer. Escape by death. You recognize it. You’ve seen it before. But in fear you’ve ignored it. And it disappeared. But you’re still in darkness. And each time that THING appears it becomes like hope, and you consider it more and more. According to the  World Health Organization, suicide is…

  • Dear Future Me

    Do you ever write notes to your future self? When I’ve completed a task, a lesson plan, even a party, I’ll jot down thoughts for the next time around. I just know by the time I open a file a year later, I will never remember such details as “buy more forks” or “take two days for this lesson” or “don’t forget name tags!” Reflecting on the year 2018, what would you tell the future you? What are some lessons, simple or profound, you know you’ll probably forget in the future? Here are a few to get you thinking: Dear Future Me: In this new year be more flexible. You…

  • Free Samples!

    Did you know if you try a little sample of fudge in all the candy shops on Mackinac Island, you will have consumed 1 pound of fudge by the end of your tour? Yummmm! Who doesn’t love samples! I am especially fond of the warehouse stores whose friendly representatives entice me to try things I may never have considered before. They know I might be more willing to invest in their product if I take a little nibble first. Today I want to share another kind of free sample. In the heart of the Psalms, we hear the invitation: “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalm 24:8a Taste…

  • Beating Burnout – Four Possible Steps

    Tired. Weary. Exhausted.  Sometimes we’re just having a busy day. At other times, we experience seasons of hard work and long hours. Unfortunately, not all labor produces obvious fruit and we can feel like we’re spinning our wheels, a common feeling in ministry. Obviously, if our path is leading to burnout, something has to give.  It’s time to take a step, even if we’re dead on our feet.   Sometimes we just need to take a STEP BACK –  a break, a hiatus, or a vacation. How many people really take a day off or a true Sabbath rest? I know I’m guilty of dragging work home with me on…

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