Life Lessons

  • Dear Young Friend Whose Parent Has Cancer

    Dear Young Friend Whose Parent has Cancer, You’ve been in my mind and on my heart for so long now, I had to write out my thoughts or I would burst. You see, I once was you.  I felt your fear, cried your tears. I was that kid whose parent had cancer. And though I cannot begin to understand ALL you’re going through, there are a few things I want you to know. First, it’s not your fault. For some reason as kids, we often think when bad things happen, we are in some way responsible. I know I did. I thought I did something wrong or at least wondered…

  • The Day of Uncertainty

    What was it like on the day “in between?” When I read the crucifixion and resurrection events of the Bible I like to imagine what they were they thinking, feeling, experiencing – at that time – in that place. By “they” I mean Jesus’ friends, disciples, family members and loved ones. This morning I woke up wondering, did what they witnessed on that fateful Friday keep them up all night?   As the horrors of yesterday replayed in their minds, did they wonder, “Did that REALLY happen?” Or “What could we have done differently?” Certainly, some were tormented by such thoughts. Others may have wondered, “Should I have done something?…

  • Voting on November 8th – It’s as Simple and 1,2,3!

      Guess what?! It’s almost over!! What an election year! I don’t need to remind you of the highs, and more often, the deep, deep lows of the last months. Like many, I have agonized over the “choices.” I have witnessed the mud-slinging shift from the debate stage to Facebook, pitting friend against friend as each of us has wrestled with the possibilities and feared for our country’s future. But after Tuesday, the decision will have been made. At least there’s some relief in that. Isn’t it interesting, though, that much of the controversy surrounding the two primary political candidates has revolved around the accusations of immoral and unethical behavior?…

  • Parallel Parking and God – A Lesson in Listening

    My last child, #4, takes her driving test very soon. She is just about ready, but has needed to work on her parking skills before the big behind-the-wheel exam. I have attempted to show her various maneuvers in a parking lot, but knew I had to pass her off to her dad to cover the intricacies of parallel parking. You see, her dad, who is a car-loving “gear-head” if there ever was one, can park a car inside our garage within inches of the walls and corners! A few days ago they set out to practice on the road, but before they did, my husband attempted to show our daughter…

  • Hold On Tight

    Last month I touched on the subject of “letting go” -releasing all that we have no control over. Letting go of past events, situations,  or worries. Letting go of guilt from sins that Jesus took care of 2000 years ago. Since then, I’ve been pondering the opposite view, because I realize that although there is much we need to let go of and release, there are also some things that are worth fighting for, worth hanging on to – as if life depended on it. What are those things deemed worthy of time, energy, and effort? Here’s a starter-list to get us thinking. 1. My marriage. I started with this…

  • Let It Go

    I’m so sorry, I really had no intention of putting that song into your head. It’s amazing, isn’t it, how three little words can be so powerful!?! It just seems to be a motto with me lately: Illness invades… let it go. Schedules conflict…let it go. Project is delayed… let it go. I want to hang on, to hold tight, to fight, to control, and God says, Let. It. Go. I’ve been buried in the book of Genesis lately, in one of my favorite studies, The Patriarchs, by Beth Moore. Written over 10 years ago, but still as timeless and applicable as ever, this study has reminded me once again…

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