Bible,  Who Is Jesus?

For the One

 “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?  And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.” Matthew 18:12-14 (NIV)

I love sheep. If you’ve known me a long time, you might know that already. I’ve been collecting sheep of all shapes and sizes for many years. When I was a new teacher, I chose a “sheep theme” for my first preschool classroom, and the same for my own babies’ rooms at home. We even sang the old hymn “I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb” at each of those babies’ baptisms.

Why? I adore the imagery and symbolism surrounding this name for Jesus, The Good Shepherd and our role as His precious lambs.

All through the Bible we witness the amazing care He gives us. But in spite of that, we, as His sheep, are often found wandering, lost, and unable to pull ourselves out of this rut or that pit. Yet as the parable shared above displays, our beloved Shepherd sets out on a search and rescue mission just for us.

You’ve been there, I bet – that little lost lamb – crying out to be comforted, consoled, saved. I know I have – and will be again.

But what about the other 99?

jlaswilson / Pixabay

I wonder, when the shepherd goes in search of the lost one, what’s their reaction? Do they attempt to follow?  Do they feel abandoned? Do they question the wisdom of their Shepherd?

You may have experienced some of these feelings when one in your fold has wandered and consumes a significant amount of time from your pastor or leader.

Or here’s one – do the other 99 criticize the one who wandered? “They deserve to be lost!” Do they resent the little vagrant who is “making” the Shepherd go out and search?

How often do we feel slighted because it seems God or even our earthly shepherd cares more for one sheep over another? Ouch.

Remember, “He is happier about that one sheep.” In the NASB translation it says “He rejoices over that one sheep.” If He rejoices, we also can rejoice. If He loves that little wanderer, we should too.

Think about it. Today it may be “that” sheep. Tomorrow it could be you. We are not perfect, and are often found off course. He loves YOU in the same way and will go to great lengths to find you as He has done for others.

One last viewpoint I just have to share, that of the perspective of the Shepherd in our parable who leaves 99 behind. What goes through His mind regarding those who are left behind? Does He worry? Does He think the risk is too great? Does He consider the un-equal sacrifice of 99 to 1?

No. I think He trusts the 99. I know He loves the 99. And I bet He misses the 99. Yet, He knows the 99 are safely in their pasture and he leaves. Why? Because His life’s work was to SAVE. To seek and save the lost. Redeem the lost. Even one. The one is worth it.

We’ve all been that one.

Thank You, Jesus! Thank You, our Beloved Good Shepherd, for risking all, giving all, to save me, your little lamb.

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One Comment

  • Tammy

    Thank you for the different perspective on this Gretchen. I am reading a book about the prodigal son and sort of the same thing. We’ve all been the prodigal at one time or another and we’ve all been the other son who seems jealous at his father’s rejoicing over the lost son. I love that I can learn new things from the Lord each time I re-read His word. And He does love all His children no matter where we are at that time.

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